Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2022:

Zoom Meeting link: https://kaust.zoom.us/j/96094082492, Meeting ID: 960 9408 2492.

Young Speaker Session

1:50 PM: Yanwei Lum (University of California, Berkeley), "Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to multicarbon hydrocarbons and oxygenates"

2:05 PM: Emilie Dauzon (KAUST), "Stretchable Transparent Conducting Electrodes for Photovoltaics and Beyond"

2:20 PM: Zhiping Wang (University of Oxford), "2D–3D heterostructured lead halide perovskites for stable and efficient solar cells"

2:35 PM: Esma Ugur (KAUST), "Improving Morphology, Efficiency, and Reproducibility of n−i−p Planar Perovskite Solar Cells by a Modified Two-Step Preparation Protocol"

2:50 PM: Jun Peng (Australian National University), "High-Efficiency and Stable Perovskite Solar cells with Negligible Hysteresis via Interface Engineering"

The young speaker awards are kindly sponsored by KAUST Industry Collaboration Program (KICP), Industry Partnerships Office and Nature Energy