Global PV market overview - Dr. Pierre Verlinden, AMROCK

The PV industry is at a very important juncture, having just passed the cumulative installation of the first TeraWatt and contemplating the possible growth to a multi-TeraWatt annual market. For the first time in its history, the PV industry needs to seriously plan its growth for the next 30 years. The objective of PV deployment toward net-zero emissions, the concentration of PV manufacturing and its supply chain in China, the main characteristics of modern manufacturing, the choice of technology, and the sustainability aspects of PV manufacturing are the current questions that need to be addressed to allow for a rapid but sustainable growth toward a 100% renewable energy economy.

The PV industry is at a very important juncture, having just passed the cumulative installation of the first TeraWatt and contemplating the possible growth to a multi-TeraWatt annual market. For the first time in its history, the PV industry needs to seriously plan its growth for the next 30 years.  The objective of PV deployment toward net-zero emissions, the concentration of PV manufacturing and its supply chain in China, the main characteristics of modern manufacturing, the choice of technology, and the sustainability aspects of PV manufacturing are the current questions that need to be addressed to allow for a rapid but sustainable growth toward a 100% renewable energy economy.

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