Post-doctoral Fellow, KAUST
Amruth earned his Master's Degree in Material Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 2015. Followed by pursuing a PhD degree in Chemical Science from Lodz University of Technology, Poland in 2019. He is now working as a post-doctoral research fellow in Professor Baran's research group at KAUST.
Amruth is interested in making electronics printable over large-area on flexible substrates. His particular interest is in achieving efficient printed devices such as OLEDs, OPVs, and OTFTs by formulating functional inks and engineering the device's structure.
Post-doctoral Fellow, KAUST
PhD Student, Chalmers University of Technology & CNRS - University of Strasbourg
PhD Student, University of Groningen
PhD Student, KAUST
PhD Student, National University of Singapore