Vinicius Zanchin is the Director of Sunew with more than ten years of experience with printed organic electronics. Has built a solid professional carrier from technical knowledge on process development and scale-up, through designing and building factory lines up to product design and operationalizing a large-scale OPV production company.
The OPV technology is in constant development and in early market adopters’ installations. Throughout the last seven years, Sunew is strongly leading the market expansion and the OPV volume production with more than 18.000m² of OPV produced. To achieve these marks, Sunew focused on developing robust process procedures, rigorous quality control methods and validated testing protocols to guarantee uniformity from batch to batch, independent of external factors. A presentation and discussion of the production process evolution throughout the years, how to keep up with the technology's constant innovation, the challenges from simple scaling up of ink preparation to complex understanding of the effect of high voltage and current on the organic panel durability.