KSC Seminar with Prof. Denis Andrienko

​KSC Seminar: Impact of interface roughness on the open-circuit voltage and charge-transfer state energy of an organic solar cell


Speaker: Prof. Denis Andrienko

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research

Date & Time: Monday November 19th, 2018 at 3pm 

Venue: Building 5, room 5220

Light refreshments will be provided.

Abstract: We provide concise relationships between the open-circuit voltage, photovoltaic gap, charge-transfer state energy, and interfacial morphology of the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell. In particular, we show that the molecular electrostatic bias, generated across the interface, helps to dissociate interfacial charge-transfer states, but reduces the photovoltaic gap. This negative influence on the gap and hence open-circuit voltage can, however, be circumvented by adjusting the roughness of the donor-acceptor interface.

Biography: Denis Andrienko is a project leader at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research working on the development of multiscale simulation techniques for charge and exciton transport in conjugated polymers as well as small molecular weight organic semiconductors. After completing his Masters degree in the University of Kiev he obtained his first Ph.D. in optics/structural transitions in liquid crystals from the Institute of Physics, Ukraine (group of Prof. Reznikov) and his second Ph.D. on computer simulations of complex fluids from the University of Bristol, UK (group of Prof. M. P. Allen). He joined MPIP as a Humboldt Fellow doing theoretical studies of the slippage effect, mechanical properties of polyelectrolyte microcapsules, and effective interactions in colloidal systems. 

Event Quick Information

19 Nov, 2018
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM