A versatile lab space with six gloveboxes and seven fume hoods, with most of the lab operating as a dedicated perovskite research area to prevent toxic lead contamination.
Device Fabrication and Characterization Laboratory
This multi-functional facility allows fabrication of organic, inorganic and hybrid semiconductor devices based on a wide range of processing methods in controlled and inert environment.
The Advanced Thin Film Laboratory consists of a cleanroom designed for fabricating, processing and characterizing high-efficiency semiconductor nanostructures, particularly silicon photovoltaic devices.
Surface Analysis Lab features a wide range of spectroscopic, scanning probe and optical microscopy techniques for the optical and structural characterization of organic, inorganic and hybrid thin-film materials.
The KSC’s Organic Processing Lab is equipped so researchers can meet the challenges of transferring organic electronic devices from small, R&D scale to large, industrial production.
The Photovoltaic Education (PVEd) Lab is designed to give new researchers a dedicated learning space to learn the fundamental solar characterization and spectroscopic techniques. The KSC's Summer Internship School takes place in this lab, as well as practical lessons for Masters Students.