Emre Yengel, Ph.D.

Alumni and Former Staff

Research Scientist in Anthopoulos group

Research Interests

​Spectroscopic and Microscopic imaging systems, Organic and Hybrid based Photovoltaics, Thin Film (IV and III-V materials) Opto-electronics

Selected Publications

  • Heterojunction solar cells with integrated Si and ZnO nanowires and a chalcopyrite thin film 
    H.. Karaagac, M. Parlak, E. Yengel, and M. S. Islam
    Mater. Chem. Phys., 140, 382 , (2013)
  • Physical properties and Heterojunction Device Demonstration of Aluminum-doped ZnO Thin Films Synthesized at Room Am... 
    H. Karaagac, E. Yengel, and M. S. Islam
    J. Alloy Compd., 521, 155-162 , (2012)
  • Metalized DNA Electrodes for Improved Hole Collection Efficiency in Polymer Heterojunction Solar Cells’ 
    E. Yengel, A. B. Guvenc, S. Guo, H. E. Akin, M. Ozkan, and C. S. Ozkan
    J. Nanoelectron. Optoe., 6, 121-126 , (2011)
  • Electrical Characterization of Composition Modulated In(1-x)Sb(x) Nanowire Field Effect Transistors by Scanning Gat... 
    A. Martinez-Morales, M. Penchev, J. B. Zhong, X. Jing, K.V. Singh, E. Yengel, M. I. Khan,...
    J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 10, 6779-6782 , (2010)
  • Effect of Incident Light Power on Schottky Barriers and I–V Characteristics of Organic Bulk Heterojunction Photodio... 
    A. B. Guvenc, E. Yengel, G. Wang, M. Ozkan, and Cengiz S. Ozkan
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 143301 , (2010)
  • Chemical vapor deposition and electrical characterization of sub-10nm diameter InSb nanowires and field-effect tran... 
    R. P. Kanti, M. Penchev, J. B. Zhong, M. Ozkan, M. Ghazinejad, E. Yengel, and C. Ozkan
    Mater. Chem. Phys., 121, 397-401 , (2010)
  • Study of the effects of growth temperature and time on the alignment of Si quantum dots on hafnium oxide coated sin... 
    M. Olmedo, A. Martinez-Morales, G. Liu, E. Yengel, C. S. Ozkan, C. N. Lau, M. Ozkan and J....
    Thin Solid Films, 518, 3537 , (2010)
  • Electrochemical synthesis of compositionally modulated InxSb1-x nanowire homojunctions and their tunneling AFM char... 
    M. I. Khan, A. Martinez-Morales, M. Penchev, X. Jing, E. Yengel, M. Ozkan, and Cengiz S. O...
    J. Nanoelectron. Optoe., 4, 312315, (2009)
  • Periodic alignment of Si quantum dots on hafnium oxide coated single wall carbon nanotubes’ 
    M. Olmedo, A. Martinez-Morales, E. Yengel, G. Liu, J. Lau, M. Ozkan, and C. Ozkan, J. Liu
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 123109 , (2009)


  • 2007 – 2010: Ph.D. in Electrical Eng., University of California, Riverside, California, USA
  • 2002 – 2005: M.S. in Electrical and Comm. Engineering, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1998 – 2002: B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

Professional Profile

  • 2016-present: Post-doctoral Fellow, Solar and Photovoltaics Engineering Research Center & Division of Physical Science and Engineering, KAUST, Thuwal 23955-6900, KSA
  • 2015-2016: Visiting Researcher, National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), Bilkent Universiy, Ankara, Turkey
  • 2012-2015: Assistant Professor, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
  • 2010-2012: Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis, California, USA

KAUST Affiliations

  • KAUST Solar Center (KSC)
  • Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)