Hu Chen, Ph.D.

Alumni and Former Staff

Research Scientist in Laquai Group Current Position: Researcher at Big Bay University, China.

Research Interests

​Develop of high performance organic semiconductor materials for application in organic field effect transistors (OFET) and organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices; C-H activation; catalyzed cascade reaction and C-H activation; Construct discrete metallo-supramolecular architectures.

Selected Publications

  • Improved Efficiency in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells Employing a Novel Diarylamino-Substituted Molecule as PEDOT:... 
    A. El Labban, H. Chen, M. Kirkus, J. Barbe, S. Del Gobbo, M. Neophytou, I. McCulloch, J. E...
    Advanced Energy Materials, 6 (11), 1502101, (2016)
  • One-Step facile synthesis of a simple hole transport material for efficient perovskite solar cells 
    Hu Chen, Daniel Bryant, Joel Troughton, Mindaugas Kirkus, Marios Neophytou, Xiaohe Miao,
    Chem. Mater. Issue 28, 25152518, (2016)
  • Highly trans-stereoselective synthesis of bicyclic isoxazolidines via copper-catalyzed triple cascade catalysis 
    H. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang
    J. Org. Chem., Issue 78, 3503-3509, (2013)
  • Rhodium(III)-catalyzed C-H activation of arenes using a versatile and removable triazene directing group 
    C. Wang, H. Chen, Z. Wang, J. Chen, Y. Huang
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Issue 51, 1-5, (2012)


  • 2008-2014: PhD in Organic Chemistry, Peking University
  • 2004-2008: B.S. in Chemistry, Yunnan University

Professional Profile

  • 2014.10 - now: Post-doctoral fellow in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • 2014.03 - 2014.07: Visiting scholar in Texas State University, Texas, America


  • 2014.01, 'Baode' Academic Award
  • 2013.12, 'WuXi AppTec' Academic Award
  • 2012.12, Poster Awards, the Sixth 'Moringside' Chemical Biology Frontier Forum, Peking University
  • 2011.12, IKA® Innovation Award
  • 2011.12, Poster Awards, the Fifth 'Morningside' Chemical Biology Frontier Forum, Peking University
  • 2007 - 2008, Merit Student, Yunnan University
  • 2007 - 2008, Excellent Study Award, Yunnan University
  • 2006 - 2007, the First Prize Scholarship, Yunnan University
  • 2006 - 2007, Merit Student, Yunnan University

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​KAUST Solar Center (KSC)
  • Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)

Research Interests Keywords